More free parking spaces set to be lost

Photo: ODT files
Photo: ODT files
More free car parking spaces are set to become paid ones as the shakeup of Dunedin's parking network continues.

The Dunedin City Council is proposing a new set of changes to parking around Vogel St, the University of Otago and the Otago Polytechnic.

Under the proposal, a number of free parking spaces would become paid as a way to deter all-day parking.

Councillors will vote to approve the changes for public consultation at a full council meeting today.

In North Dunedin free parking spaces in Clyde St, Union St East, Harbour Tce, Forth St and Albany St would be changed to metered parking.

The changes were designed to help manage the high demand for commuters and balance the needs of long and short-term parking.

Unrestricted spaces outside residential flats near the corner of Union and Clyde Sts would be changed to residents-only parking and more could be added if required.

Parking would cost $1 an hour - $1.50 if an increase is adopted in the 2019 annual plan - Monday to Friday, but there would be no time restrictions.

Parking meters would be installed in free 60- and 90-minute spaces in Vogel, Bond and Crawford Sts between Jetty and Police Sts.

A majority of the new paid parks would have a time restriction of 120 minutes but there would also be some all-day paid parking available.

The changes aimed to provide flexibility for visitors to the area while at the same time guaranteeing turnover.

Council transport group manager Richard Saunders said the changes were part of ongoing work to improve the safety and efficiency of the city's transport network.

Both the tertiary and warehouse precincts were identified as parking "pinch points'' during a public review early last year, Mr Saunders said.

He was unsure how many parking spaces were affected but that information would be available during the public consultation stage.

No parking spaces would be removed, he said.

If approved, the changes would be implemented on July 1.



PT, cycling, scooting and walking must be encouraged.

If this is really about trying to get fewer people to use cars they should have the guts to say so and not be dishonest about it. Are any councillors willing to stand on a platform of preserving existing and recent free parking?

Given the parking meters have already been installed in Vogel Street some weeks ago the council meeting today to approve the changes for public consultation would seem a disingenuous farce, and if there is no time limit then one can only assume the reason for the change is to generate income not prevent all day parking. More smoke and mirrors from a council that is about as transparent as a Taieri Plains morning fog.

Good point. Just another cash grab from an arrogant and bankrupt council really.

So it seems cull's war on the motorist continues.

