Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency has laid an official complaint with New Zealand Police after roading contractors raised concerns about poor driving on roadworks sites over the past few months.
Waka Kotahi lower South Island journey manager Peter Brown said the behaviour was a significant safety issue for contractors, for the drivers themselves and all other road users.
October to March was a key time for roadworks to be completed around the country and, this year in particular, contractors in the lower South Island were working hard to get the roads into good shape for the busy summer holiday period.
Mr Brown said repeated roadworks sites encountered on a journey could be frustrating, but drivers needed to be patient and comply with speed restrictions to maintain the safety of contractors and other road users.
‘‘Even where sites have no staff actively working on them, reduced speed limits are there to protect the road surface where it is newly sealed, and prevent unnecessary damage to vehicles.’’
District road policing manager Inspector Amelia Steel said several motorists - some travelling far more than the temporary speed limit - had been stopped by police in recent days.
‘‘This has resulted in simple education for most drivers, but in some instances, infringement notices have been necessary.’’
Road policing around roadworks sites in Otago and Southland would continue over the-summer, where it was needed, she said.