A Dunedin man will display the fruits of a year's labour at an upcoming Lego show in the city.
Pieter Dennison has nearly completed a Lego brick model of the Dunedin Railway Station.
Mr Dennison said he had chosen the railway station because it was an iconic symbol representative of Dunedin.
``As soon as you see it, you think of Dunedin.''
During the year-long construction phase, Mr Dennison said the project had been a big challenge but, in spite of occasional frustrations, he had persisted.
``Sometimes it's got me so frustrated that I've not wanted to do it at all and break it apart, but I've stuck at it.''
The biggest challenge of building the railway station had been in placing bricks for the roof because of the different angles he had to reach.
Mr Dennison will be one of 29 exhibitors who will demonstrate their constructions at the inaugural Dunedin Brick Show taking place next month.
Susanah Walker, an organiser of the Lego event, said she expected strong attendance at the show, which takes place on Saturday, October 1 and Sunday October 2 at the Edgar Centre, after an earlier brick show in Invercargill proved popular.
The Star has two family passes to give away to the Dunedin Brick Show. To enter the draw, simply answer the following question: Which Dunedin landmark has Pieter Dennison built a model of out of Lego bricks?
Send your answer and a daytime contact phone number by email to competitions@thestar.co.nz with the words Brick Show Competition in the subject line. Entries close at 5pm on Tuesday, September 27.