Moana Pool spectators to pay 50c

Non-swimmers will be required to pay 50c to enter Moana Pool, in Dunedin, from the end of this month, but while the fee is half that paid in the past, it will apply across the board.

Aquatic services manager Steve Prescott told the Dunedin City Council community development committee yesterday since a new reception barrier and ticketing system had been installed at the pool, a consistent charge was needed.

There had been some "heated discussions" between the public and staff over the $1 charge, since staff were able to apply the charge regularly.

The rules had been confusing, with people watching water polo, for instance, not having to pay, but spectators at a swimming carnival being charged.

Some people had been entering as spectators and then using the facility.

"It's not a small number that do it; it's a large number," Mr Prescott said.

The new system was fairer.

"Fifty cents is not a huge amount of money."

The committee voted to go ahead with the reduced charge, which will come into force on April 1.


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