It could be several months yet before the University of Otago considers implementing its campus master plan.
The 195-page plan, written over a year by a team of international consultants, was released with much fanfare in May.
It presented a vision for development at the Dunedin, Christchurch and Wellington campuses over the next 25 years.
The Dunedin proposals included providing 50% more teaching and research space to cater for expected roll growth, providing another 1000 residential college beds, beautifying the banks of the Water of Leith and installing a new flood protection area, and demolishing 11 buildings considered by the consultants to be past their use-by date.
The proposals were not costed or prioritised.
At the time they were announced, the university said a report would go to the university council, which would then begin to think about which projects should be progressed and how they might be funded.
No report has yet been discussed in the public section of a council meeting.
Asked a series of questions about the timeframe for implementing the plan and whether any work had been done on prioritisation or costings, property services director Barry MacKay said it was likely a paper would go to the council next year.
"As previously stated, the campus master plan contains visionary concepts for future decision-making," he said.