Ms Wilson (54), who manages the physics department at the University of Otago, rallied 18 colleagues and well-wishers in a mass head shave at the university yesterday to raise money for a new bed for Dunedin Hospital breast reconstruction surgery patients.
The group involved in the Great Physical Head Shave included physics department members, cancer doctors and nurses, a city council worker, and a 6-year-old boy, most of whom sported pink tutus.
Ms Wilson had her surgery in March, about five years after the mastectomy of her right breast, which was removed 13 days after her cancer diagnosis.
She was grateful she was able to have her surgery in Dunedin, where plastic surgery had only been available for about three years.
She thanked plastic and reconstruction surgeon Patrick Lyall for carrying out her procedure.
A "fairly brutal" surgery, the six-hour procedure used one of the patient's abdominal muscle to form a breast.
She had wanted to find a way to thank the hospital, and Mr Lyall suggested writing to the chief executive of the DHB, but it did not seem sufficient, she said.
Ms Wilson said a 19th volunteer who could not attend the head shave would go under the razor on Monday.
Well over the $5000 needed for the bed had been raised, but the exact total was not tallied.
Extra money would also be donated to the service.
Ms Wilson has been officially cleared of her breast cancer, which was a wonderful feeling, she said.