Looking back

Photo by Linda Robertson.
Photo by Linda Robertson.

At The Evening Star reunion yesterday (from left) Roger Soroka, Bill Shadwell, Shirley George and Les Beck reminisce in the Allied Press publishing room.

Reunion organiser John Carlyle (67) said about 30 former Evening Star employees had a tour of the Allied Press building yesterday.

The reunion would finish with a meal at the Southern Tavern tonight, he said.

Mr Carlyle worked as a compositor between 1961 and 1969 setting the lead type.

The trade as he had known it no longer existed, he said.

''It's all been replaced by computers.''

Former stereotyper Mervyn Hodge (66) said he had worked at the paper for 42 years from 1967 and made the lead plates that went on the press.

He recalled his boss running down the stairs after noticing that page two from the previous day's newspaper had been printed and distributed again the next day, he said.

''It had made it out on the first edition and it was my fault.''

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