King’s High School prizes

Cam Fraser
Cam Fraser


Cam Fraser

Prestige awards

Douglas Faitonu: cultural leadership trophy; Terrence O’Connor: spirit of the school cup; Emmanuel Keane: music/performance award; Orlando Tuhega-Vaitupu: school leadership award; Cam Fraser: independence of thought and critical thinking award; Jordan Campbell: King’s man of the year award; Ted Menzies: top year 11 student scholarship; Massimo Pezzuto: top year 12 student scholarship; Daniel Honey: all-round excellence prize; Thomas Bowen: all-round academic excellence award; Calan McDermott: all-round academic excellence award; Ben Hawke: proxime accessit; Cam Fraser: dux.

Accelerant awards

Tristan Brown (top year 11 in year 12 classical studies); Connor Gray (top year 11 in year 13 calculus, top year 11 in year 12 physics); Aleksander Hay (top year 11 in year 12 economics); Ted Menzies (top year 11 in year 12 history, top year 11 in year 12 biology); Luke Murray (top year 11 in year 12 economics); Patrick Tyrrell (top year 11 in year 12 maths, top year 11 in year 12 chemistry); Blake Carter (top year 12 in year 13 calculus); Fletcher Hall (top year 12 in year 13 physics); Alexander MacDonald (top year 12 in year 13 chemistry); Massimo Pezzuto (top year 12 in year 13 biology, top year 12 in year 13 history).

Year 13

Lee Ardiente (excellence art design, art painting, merit English, maths, media studies); Reuben Blair (merit earth and space science, calculus, Oestreicher silver); Thomas Bowen (sciences cup, Arnold/Merriman science award, biology prize, statistics, excellence biology, English, calculus, statistics, physics, merit chemistry, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher gold, service to school library); Aidan Broome (excellence calculus, physical education, Oestreicher silver); Mark Burke (excellence calculus, merit biology, statistics, physics, Oestreicher silver); Lachlan Cameron (merit geography, physical education, Oestreicher bronze); Oscar Cameron (physical education prize, excellence design and visual communication, physical education, Oestreicher bronze); Jordan Campbell (tourism prize, merit financial capability, Oestreicher silver); George Carter (accounting prize, excellence accounting, geography, merit English, calculus, Oestreicher gold); Kane Chang (excellence chemistry, classical studies, English, merit physics, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher silver); Logan Clark (visual arts award, art design prize, art painting, art photography, excellence art design, art painting, art photography, merit English, merit te reo Maori, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher bronze); Ke Nan Cui (classical studies prize, excellence classical studies, English, calculus, physics, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher bronze); Max Davidson (merit geography, statistics, physical education); Conor Dawson (excellence geography, calculus, merit English, physics, Oestreicher silver); Joost Doherty (excellence geography, merit physical education, Oestreicher bronze); Kade Downs (excellence geography, merit biology, physical education); Cam Fraser (French prize, excellence economics, English, French, history, merit drama, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher silver); Aleksandr Kudriavtcev (excellence business studies, merit accounting, English, history); Matthew Gibbens (excellence classical studies, merit digital technology, calculus, Oestreicher silver); Russell Gin (excellence economics, English, calculus, physics, merit biology, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher gold); Dalton Goodfellow (Oestreicher gold); Scott Greenfield (excellence biology, economics, calculus, merit chemistry, digital technology, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher gold); Johannes Guldner (merit design and visual communication, art design, art photography, Oestreicher silver); William Harbrow (design and visual communication prize, excellence technology, merit calculus, Oestreicher gold); Ben Harris (financial capability prize, excellence financial capability, Oestreicher bronze); Ben Hawke (geography medal, humanities award, English prize, geography, excellence classical studies, English, geography, history, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher bronze); Fergus Hepburn (excellence classical studies, English, physical education, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence); Nathan Hill (excellence geography, physical education, merit statistics, art design, Oestreicher silver); Zentaro Hindes (excellence biology, English, statistics, merit chemistry, physics, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence); Jilles Hoedemaker (classical studies prize, excellence classical studies, English, calculus, physics, merit chemistry, digital technology, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher gold, service to school library); Daniel Honey (drama prize, music, excellence drama, music, merit history, media studies, music technology, Oestreicher silver); Casey Houliston (merit classical studies, physical education, Oestreicher silver); Riley Jones (merit classical studies, English, physical education, Oestreicher silver); Emmanuel Keane (jazz band tray, excellence business studies, digital technology, calculus, music technology, merit physics, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher gold); Steven Le Brun (outdoor pursuits prize, merit business studies, classical studies, English); Hunter Davis Lucas (merit history, calculus, Oestreicher bronze); Max Mackle (merit biology, calculus, service to school library); Calan McDermott (business studies prize, economics, physics, excellence chemistry, digital technology, economics, calculus, physics, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher gold); Tigue McGregor (excellence geography, calculus, merit accounting, English, Oestreicher silver, service to school library); Luke Milne (excellence English, merit geography, physics); Terrence O’Connor (excellence business studies, calculus, merit classical studies, geography, Oestreicher silver); Blake Paton (merit business studies, Oestreicher bronze); Jasper Rainey (merit physical education, Oestreicher bronze); Ashwin Rajesh (excellence biology, classical studies, physics, merit chemistry, calculus, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence); Zed Ramsay (music technology prize, excellence music, music technology, merit drama, English, Oestreicher silver); Ethan Rangitutia (merit te reo Maori, Oestreicher bronze, service to school kapa haka); Cullan Rolton (merit business studies, drama, English); Luke Salisbury (excellence classical studies, English, merit calculus, physical education, physics, Oestreicher bronze); James Schollum (excellence digital technology, calculus, merit statistics, Oestreicher gold); Josiah Scott (excellence digital technology, geography, merit English, Oestreicher bronze); Ashwyn Storm (earth and space science prize, excellence classical studies, digital technology, earth and space science, music technology, merit calculus, physics, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher gold); Semisi Taungapeau (food and nutrition prize, merit biology, English); Shelby Thomson (chemistry prize, calculus, excellence biology, chemistry, English, physics, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher silver); Josiah Trounson (merit accounting, business studies, Oestreicher bronze); Orlando Tuhega-Vaitupu (excellence geography, physical education, merit calculus, service to school kapa haka); Nimesh Udamulla (excellence biology, statistics, merit English); Alex Van der Vliet (most improved year 13 mathematician prize, excellence economics, history, merit classical studies, Oestreicher bronze); Jaydean Washington (CETA medal for commerce, merit business studies, service to school library); Max West (excellence calculus, statistics, physical education, merit physics, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher gold); Owen Wheeler (excellence calculus, physics, merit digital technology, Oestreicher bronze, service to school library); Joel Wilden (technology award, technology prize, excellence technology, merit calculus, Oestreicher gold); Ryan Wilks (digital technology prize, excellence digital technology, calculus, merit accounting, chemistry, physics, Oestreicher silver); Chaase Williams (excellence statistics, merit geography, Oestreicher bronze, service to school community service); Jerome Wolken (merit art design, Oestreicher bronze); Peter Woodfield (school choir trophy, media studies prize, excellence media studies, art design, art painting, merit digital technology, calculus, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher gold).

Year 12

Caellan Agnew (excellence classical studies, merit digital technology, English, history); Yousuf Ahmed (merit chemistry, maths, physics); Te Jesvi Arya (excellence maths, merit physics, Oestreicher silver); Rico Askin-Pule (excellence maths, art design, merit digital technology); Gabriel Asuncion (merit maths, Oestreicher bronze); Jacob Bailey (Oestreicher bronze); Kyle Bayne (Oestreicher bronze); Zander Beker (merit digital technology, maths, Oestreicher gold); Murray Bisset (most improved year 12 mathematician prize, excellence maths, merit English); Lewis Bonney (art design prize, excellence digital technology, English, art design, merit maths); Joshua Buchanan (digital technology prize, excellence business studies, digital technology, merit English, maths, physics, Oestreicher silver); Jack Caldwell (excellence physical education, merit English, history, maths); Lewis Cameron (economics prize, excellence business studies, economics, technology, merit English, maths, physics); Blake Carter (school council award, history prize, excellence English, history, merit calculus, physics, art design, Oestreicher gold); Trent Chalmers (excellence art design, art painting, merit English, physical education, Oestreicher silver); Harry Collie (excellence English, geography, maths, merit history, physical education, Oestreicher silver); Shaurya Diamond (Oestreicher bronze, service to school community service); Zachary Diehl (excellence technology, merit outdoor pursuits, Oestreicher bronze); Archer Dovey (te reo Maori prize, excellence te reo Maori, art painting, merit English, maths); Adam Dunlop (excellence chemistry, merit biology, English, maths, physical education, Oestreicher gold); Liam Fairbairn (merit business studies, drama, English, maths); Samuel Goldfinch (excellence digital technology, English, maths, merit accounting, business studies, physics, Oestreicher bronze); Fletcher Hall (excellence calculus, physics, art painting, merit English, Oestreicher silver); Ryan Hawker (excellence English, history, merit physical education); Max Hodgins (excellence maths, merit chemistry, English, physics); Quinten Holland (merit biology, chemistry, maths, physics); Deason Holt (electronics prize, merit digital technology, Oestreicher bronze); Jack Ingram (excellence maths, music, music technology, merit biology, physics, Oestreicher bronze); Lintong Jiang (excellence digital technology, English, maths, merit physics, Oestreicher silver); Casey Jowsey (merit drama, English, Oestreicher bronze); Stefan Keller (school band cup, music prize, excellence music, music technology, merit English, physics, Oestreicher bronze); Jak Keogh (merit business studies, maths, physical education); Chris Klemetson (drama prize, excellence drama, Oestreicher bronze); Shota Kozakai (excellence business studies, English, maths, merit biology, chemistry, Oestreicher bronze); Thomas Lewis (merit geography, physical education, technology, Oestreicher silver); Weiyao Li (Oestreicher bronze); Johan Lokman (community service contribution prize, excellence biology, merit English, maths, physical education, physics, Oestreicher gold); Alexander MacDonald (maths prize, excellence biology, chemistry, English, maths, physical education, physics, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher gold); Connor Machin (merit technology, Oestreicher bronze); Sean McCabe (excellence English, physical education, art painting, merit biology, geography, maths, Oestreicher gold); Tyler Metua (excellence maths, physics, technology, merit chemistry, physical education); Ricco Mosen (excellence art painting, merit business studies, classical studies, maths, Oestreicher silver); Massimo Pezzuto (creative writing award, English prize, French, geography, history, art painting, excellence biology, English, French, geography, history, art painting, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher gold, service to school library); Dylan Pledger (physical education prize, excellence business studies, maths, physical education, technology, merit economics, English, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher gold); Corey Pope (media studies prize, excellence business studies, digital technology, English, maths, media studies, physics, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher silver); Reuben Potgieter (excellence maths, physical education, technology, merit chemistry, English, physics, Oestreicher gold); Chay-Hong Rasmey-Suos (excellence maths, physics, merit accounting, business studies, English, Oestreicher silver); Nikhil Rawat (business studies prize, music technology, excellence biology, English, maths, music technology, merit chemistry, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher gold); Keiran Read (merit business studies, geography, history, Oestreicher silver); Haami Rowe (classical studies prize, excellence business studies, classical studies, English, history, merit biology, maths, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher bronze); Zachary Schwenke (merit physics, art painting, Oestreicher bronze); Brandon Sheat (merit business studies, digital technology, maths, media studies); Nathan Sinclair (Oestreicher bronze); Sirisopapong Siravich (design and visual communication prize, merit art painting); Jack Soal (excellence history, maths, merit biology, physical education, Oestreicher gold); Joshua Sobrevilla (Japanese prize, excellence business studies, Japanese, merit digital technology, economics, English, maths, Oestreicher bronze); Maximus St John (outdoor pursuits prize, excellence maths, art photography, merit English, outdoor pursuits, physics, Oestreicher silver); Zander Stockenstroom (merit digital technology, Oestreicher bronze); Ben Swain (merit digital technology, English, physics, art design); Keenan Tan (food and nutrition prize, excellence English, maths, art painting, Oestreicher gold); Matthew Taylor (excellence technology, merit maths, physical education); Dylan Thomas (merit music technology, Oestreicher bronze); Liam Thorne (Spanish prize, excellence biology, English, Japanese, Spanish, merit chemistry, physics, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher gold, service to school library); Tin Hok Yin (excellence maths, art painting, merit physics, technology, Oestreicher silver); Corbin Tuwairua (merit English, physical education, te reo Maori); Mace Ward-Smith (merit art painting, Oestreicher bronze); John Warman (accounting prize, excellence accounting, English, history, maths, merit physical education, physics, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher gold); Mitchell Wheeler (technology prize, excellence business studies, maths, merit English, physical education, physics, Oestreicher silver); Benjamin Wood (excellence maths, technology, merit physical education, physics); Damien Wylie (excellence design and visual communication, English, merit chemistry, physics, Oestreicher gold).

Year 11

Finn Abey (excellence maths, science, merit digital technology, Oestreicher silver); Dominik Aicken (merit digital technology, drama, Oestreicher gold); Jonty Allan (excellence digital technology, merit English, geography, maths); Rocky Allan (excellence accounting, English, geography, history, maths, merit science, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher silver, service to school breakfast running club); Jacob Anderson (French prize, excellence French, maths, physical education, merit economics, English, Oestreicher silver); Jack Aubin (excellence design and visual communication, English, geography, history, maths, science, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher gold); Charles Baldi (merit maths, music, physical education); Aidan Blair (excellence visual art, merit English, music technology); Fergus Blair (excellence geography, physical education, merit English, science, Oestreicher gold); Ethan Booth (merit technology, Oestreicher silver); Riley Boylan (excellence English, maths, physical education, merit science, Oestreicher bronze); Eric Bracey (excellence classical studies, maths, physical education, merit biology, English, Oestreicher gold); Tristan Brown (excellence classical studies, maths, physical education, science, merit English, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher bronze); Nicholas Camp (excellence geography, merit English, maths); Conor Casey (digital technology prize, excellence accounting, digital technology, English, history, maths, science, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher silver); Te Atarau Cassidy (te reo Maori trophy, te reo Maori prize, excellence outdoor pursuits, te reo Maori, merit food and nutrition, maths, service to school kapa haka); Thomas Clark (excellence technology, merit design and visual communication, English, maths, physical education, science, Oestreicher gold); James Cooper (merit English, geography, history); Sean Coward (merit English, Oestreicher gold); Regan de Boer (merit outdoor pursuits, Oestreicher bronze); Ashane De Silva (excellence digital technology, maths, music technology, merit English, food and nutrition, Oestreicher silver); Carter Dermody (Japanese prize, excellence English, history, maths, science, merit digital technology, Japanese, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher gold); Deakin Eckhoff (excellence geography, merit maths, physical education, Oestreicher silver); Aisea Fakataha (excellence visual art, merit maths, physical education); Karne Gabbott (department prize in outdoor pursuits, excellence maths, outdoor pursuits, technology); Michael Gardner (excellence digital technology, merit accounting, English); Jack Gladding (merit economics, English, history, Japanese, maths, science, Oestreicher silver); Kohl Goodfellow (excellence music technology, merit English, Oestreicher silver); Connor Gray (department prize in physics, excellence English, calculus, music technology, physics, science, visual art, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher gold); Joshua Gray (department prize in music technology, excellence English, geography, music technology, visual art, merit maths, science, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher silver); Alexander Harold (excellence maths, physical education, science, merit English, geography, technology, Oestreicher bronze); Felix Harrison (excellence digital technology, maths, merit accounting, economics, science, Oestreicher bronze); Harry Hawken (excellence maths, physical education, merit English, French, science); Aleksander Hay (excellence English, history, merit maths, Oestreicher gold); Maddix Ropata (excellence maths, merit economics, physical education); Sam Hickling (excellence English, geography, history, merit drama, maths); Emmanuel Highsted (department prize in technology, excellence digital technology, visual art, merit English, maths, science, Oestreicher silver); Max Holgate (excellence maths, physical education, merit English, Oestreicher gold); Finn Horner (merit digital technology, geography, Oestreicher bronze); Blake Hughes (excellence music technology, merit geography, Oestreicher gold); Samuel Hyde (excellence maths, merit physical education, science, Oestreicher bronze); Jason Ischia (Oestreicher silver); Hugh Jack (department prize in classical studies, Spanish, excellence biology, classical studies, English, maths, physical education, Spanish, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher bronze); Charlie Jackson (excellence physical education, Te Reo Maori, merit English, maths, technology); Cole Jefferies (merit English, geography, maths, outdoor pursuits); Jaxon Kennedy (department prize in economics, excellence economics, English, geography, history, merit maths, science, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher gold); Younghyun Kim (excellence digital technology, maths, science, visual art, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher gold); Connor Knights (excellence digital technology, history, science, merit English, French, Oestreicher silver); Samuel Knowles (department prize in accounting, excellence accounting, maths, physical education, science, merit English, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher silver); Isaac Kramers (excellence English, maths, physical education, merit economics, science, te reo Maori, Oestreicher silver); Cameron Laing (merit maths, music, science); Addison Larson (excellence physical education, merit English, maths, Oestreicher silver); Luca Macnee (department prize in music, merit music); Quinn Mair (excellence technology, merit English, physical education); Tyler McCleery (excellence physical education, merit geography, maths, science, Oestreicher silver); Hamish McEwan (merit digital technology, history, maths, Oestreicher silver); Brody McQueen (merit English, geography, maths, Oestreicher bronze); Charlie Melville (excellence maths, merit digital technology, English, Oestreicher bronze); Ted Menzies (department prize in English, geography, biology, visual art, excellence biology, English, geography, history, maths, excellence visual art, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher gold); Samuel Mitchell (merit food and nutrition, outdoor pursuits, Oestreicher bronze); Samuel Mitchell (department prize in physical education, excellence digital technology, maths, physical education, science, merit English, Spanish, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence); George Montalban (merit digital technology, English, food and nutrition, Oestreicher bronze); William Mooney (merit English, Oestreicher bronze); Daniel Moore (excellence English, physical education, merit geography, maths); Luke Murray (department prize in maths, excellence maths, physical education, science, technology, merit English, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher gold); Jacob Palmer (excellence physical education, merit English, technology); Joseph Pemberton (department prize in food and nutrition, excellence food and nutrition, merit English, geography, history); Arkyn Petrie (merit digital technology, food and nutrition, Japanese, maths, Oestreicher gold); Jaiyvish Pratap (excellence maths, technology, merit drama, English, science, Oestreicher bronze); Juandre Rademeyer (excellence digital technology, maths, merit chemistry, English, science, Oestreicher gold); Rahul Rao Nilapu (merit English, maths, Oestreicher silver); Harvey Rawlings (department prize in drama, excellence biology, digital technology, drama, English, maths, merit music technology, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher gold); Joshua Renton (excellence digital technology, merit English, maths, Oestreicher bronze); Marinus Schrader (excellence geography, merit economics, English, history, Oestreicher silver); Joshua Scott (excellence English, maths, physical education, technology, merit geography, science, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher gold); Hasan Sheikh (excellence maths, merit English, history); Mikhail Shipin (merit digital technology, history, maths); Carter Smith (department prize in history, excellence English, geography, history, maths, science, technology, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher gold); Shane Sreedhar (department prize in visual art, excellence maths, music technology, visual art, merit English, Oestreicher gold); Tristan Taiaroa (excellence physical education, science, merit English, maths, technology, Oestreicher gold); Jia Tang (excellence maths, merit accounting, English, history, science, Oestreicher silver); Luke Taylor (special prize — Jessica Louisa prize for top year 11 mathematician, merit maths); Connor Teasdale (department prize in te reo Maori, merit te reo Maori, technology); Riley Thompson (excellence digital technology, geography, maths, merit economics, English, Oestreicher gold); Lucas Thomson (excellence maths, physical education, merit accounting, English, physical education, Oestreicher bronze); Tevita Tu’i (excellence maths, physical education, merit accounting, geography); Paddy Tyrrell (department prize in chemistry, science, excellence chemistry, maths, physical education, science, technology, rector’s commendation for all-round academic excellence, Oestreicher gold); Declan Viljoen (excellence outdoor pursuits, technology, merit drama, English, maths, Oestreicher gold); Joshua Washington (excellence geography, history, science, merit classical studies, English, maths, Oestreicher gold); Edward Wassell (merit maths, music technology, technology, visual art, Oestreicher bronze); Nesara Wewalage (department prize in design and visual communication, excellence digital technology, English, history, science); Daniel Wheeler (excellence economics, maths, science, merit English, physical education, technology); Jack Wilson (excellence physical education, merit economics, English, maths, technology, Oestreicher bronze).

