Yesterday, police confirmed they would be testing fingerprints taken from the body of Robin Bain. The tests would be done at an undisclosed location in Christchurch.
The gun would also be tested, with police fingerprint and firearms experts, along with scientists from Environmental Science and Research (ESR) present.
''I am happy to say I am attending the test on behalf of David Bain, along with forensic scientist Dr [Anna] Sandiford,'' Mr Karam said last night.
''We are looking forward to a thorough examination.''
Mr Karam said police and ESR scientists had been present during the test on the firearm for the filming of TV3's 3rd Degree show, so the Christchurch-based tests were a case of ''quid pro quo''.
That show alleged previously unnoticed parallel marks on Robin Bain's thumb matched those made by gunpowder residue when loading the magazine of a rifle after it had been fired.
Police said in a statement last night the tests were required to ''establish if greater clarity can be reached to explain the marks on Robin Bain's thumb as raised in the media in June''.
Acting Assistant Commissioner of Investigations Glenn Dunbier said: ''We won't have any answers by the end of the day''.
He said the test results might take some weeks to complete.
''Until we have the full results of the analysis our position remains that any explanation for the marks remains a theory.
''It also remained a possibility that, even after completed analysis, there would be no definitive conclusion regarding the marks,'' he said.