Kaikorai Valley College junior academic prizes

Year 9

Lucas Bain, excellence PE, commendation drama, diligence award; Harmony Baker-Wihongi, commendation textiles technology; Matthew Barrett, merit English, maths, PE, social studies, commendation textiles soft materials, visual art; Sophie Bartley, commendation music, diligence award; Dallis Bosworth, commendation social studies, diligence award; Liam Dick, merit social studies, commendation Maori, diligence award; Grace Duxbury, core class award for 9k, excellence English, maths, PE, science, social studies, commendation design and visual communication, hard materials technology, Japanese, diligence award; Zara Evans, excellence English, science, social studies, merit maths, commendation hard materials technology, food technology, diligence award; Jamin Falwasser, diligence award; Miyah Hampton, merit social studies, diligence award; Shawna Henderson, commendation hard materials technology, diligence award; Reed Hipgrave, core class award for 9k, excellence maths, merit PE, social studies, diligence award; Joshua Hopping, core class award for 9v, excellence PE, social studies, merit maths, science, commendation drama, Maori, diligence award; Azariah Hughes, merit PE, social studies, commendation textiles technology, diligence award; Chloe Hughes, merit social studies, commendation design and visual communication, diligence award; Janelle Martin, merit science, commendation Japanese, diligence award; Michaela McCarthy, excellence English, Max Quigley, core class award for 9v, excellence maths, science, social studies, merit English, PE, commendation drama, Maori, diligence award; Ezekiel Renton, commendation hard materials technology; Blake Rickerby, diligence award; Sophie Rielly, core class award for 9v, merit English, science, diligence award; Kayden Robinson, excellence English, PE; Grace Shemely, merit PE, commendation design and visual communication, hard materials technology, diligence award; Niachelle Steenekamp, core class award for 9k, excellence English, social studies, merit maths, science, commendation food technology, Japanese, diligence award; Aditya Surira, commitment to drama, excellence maths, science, merit social studies, diligence award; Cody Te Ngahue-Forbes, commendation music; Alex Tiffany, core class award for 9c, excellence English, maths, science, social studies, diligence award; Fynn Watkin-Robertson, core class award for 9c, merit English, maths, PE, science, commendation food technology, diligence award; Bailey Wells, core class award for 9c, excellence science, merit English, PE, maths, commendation drama, food technology, Japanese, Maori, textiles technology, diligence award; Joshua White, merit English, PE, science, commendation drama, Maori; Brian Wise, merit maths.

Year 10

Lucas Bevin, excellence maths, social sciences; Lydia Brown, merit science, visual art; Skyla Brown, excellence visual art, merit English, PE; Hayley Brown-Fogarty, excellence hard materials technology; Sharlett Cooper, merit languages x 2, social sciences x 2, diligence award; Ethan Cosgrove, diligence award; Hayley Crawford, excellence digital technology, maths, visual art, merit English, languages, diligence award; Drew Dasler, excellence design and visual communication, English, maths; Taylor Dennison, excellence English, maths, merit sciences, social sciences, diligence award; Mackenzie Dinnissen, excellence hard materials technology, PE, merit health, PE, sciences; Lucas Evans, excellence hard materials technology (wood), sciences (1), merit hard materials technology (metal), health, sciences (2), social sciences, diligence award; Sam Finch, merit spec, diligence award; Tayla Gascoyne, excellence drama, health, merit music, PE; Maia Gemmell, excellence English, social sciences, merit visual art, maths; Jack Gibb, merit science x 2, maths, PE, diligence award; Madison Hammer, merit maths; Amy Hitchcox, excellence English, sciences, social science, merit health, technology — soft materials, diligence award; Xenn Hook, excellence PE, merit hard materials technology (metal); Briedan Hunt, excellence languages; Jeremy Jones, merit English, maths; Zara Kleinlangevelsloo, excellence Maori, social sciences (1), technology — soft materials, merit maths, PE, sciences, social sciences (2), visual art, diligence award; Ashleigh Mabbett, diligence award; Yuki Matsuura, diligence award; Layla Maynard, excellence sciences, merit maths, visual art, diligence award; Catherine McLeod, merit health, languages, PE, diligence award; Cayden McVicker, excellence PE, merit digital technology; Hailee Miller, excellence visual art; Memphis Muir, excellence digital technology, English, Food technology, maths, music, merit sciences, social science, diligence award; Kaydyn Newcombe, diligence award; Te Arohanui Paul, merit food technology, te reo Maori; Dania Piatov, excellence maths, social science (1), merit social science (2), diligence award; Jasmine Rankin, excellence junior Maori, excellence Maori, social science, merit health, languages x 2, maths, visual art, diligence award; Sophie Robertson, excellence food technology, merit food technology, health, PE, social sciences; Euwen Robson-Roberts, excellence music; merit sciences; Gabriel Sealy, merit digital technology, maths; Josh Serna, excellence sciences, merit English, maths, diligence award; James Sutherland, excellence English, languages, maths, diligence award; Thomas Sutherland, excellence maths, sciences x 2, merit English, PE, diligence award; Taneia Wetere, diligence award; Teilah Wetere, excellence junior art, excellence visual art, merit English, drama, health, PE x 2; Sarah Wilkie, merit English, maths, music; Izzy Williamson, merit design and visual communication.

Special awards

Citizenship trophy Year 9-10 (boy), Bailey Wells; citizenship cup year 9-10 (girl), Tayla Gascoyne; Yoku Miura; academic achievement award year 9, Grace Duxbury; academic achievement award year 10, James Sutherland.

