Students were recognised for their achievements in the Kaikorai Valley College 2023 junior prizegiving.
Year 9
Khaled Akleh, merit in mathematics, train to gain and let's get active; Chaymaa Aldouss, award for excellence in junior Māori, year 9 academic award for kōwhai house, excellence in dreams in the form of art, merit in Hitler, the holocaust and human rights, diligence award; Azzliah Alfonso, year 9 Mīharo award, excellence in Japanese, merit in science; Sophie Alnashi, merit in English; Lillian Bain, merit in jamming out, diligence award; Eden Bell Nash, excellence in food technology, Hitler, the holocaust and human rights, mathematics and sports education, merit in amazing race, selfie culture, technology wood and Te reo Māori and train to gain, diligence award; Danyon Bent, excellence in sports academy and train to gain; Millie Burgess, year 9 Mīharo award, excellence in Japanese, merit in how nature fights back and moving, moving, moving, diligence award; George Canning, merit in music production and technology wood; Hayley Chronican, merit in English, food by design, science, textiles technology and truth in film, diligence award; Rylan Cooper-Andrews, merit in science and technology wood; Ioaba Dean-Harris, award for contribution to Te Reo Māori at Kaikorai Valley College, merit in sport academy, technology wood and Te reo Māori; Paige Duthie, year 9 Mīharo award, excellence in character design; Michaela Elliott, merit in money talks, diligence award; Alyssa Evans, excellence in Japanese, diligence award; Kody Everitt, merit in computer science and game design; Danni Fellows, excellence in dreams in the form of art, diligence award; Noah Fitiao-Cross, excellence in age of superheroes, foundations, mathematics and technology metal, merit in sports academy and train to gain, diligence award; Riley Foster, diligence award; Bella Geekie, year 9 Mīharo award, excellence in Japanese, Merit in amazing race, food technology and Hitler, the holocaust and human rights, merit in mathematics, sports education and stuff your face, diligence award; Madison Gibb, merit in moving, moving, moving; Katheleen Hollands, excellence in textiles technology, merit in jamming out and let's get active, diligence award; Molly Houston-Hynd, excellence in Japanese; Amber Hurring, merit in food by design, jamming out, let's get active, selfie culture and stuff your face!, diligence award; Eisho Ito, excellence in game design, merit in mathematics; Pranav Jiresh, merit in science and technology wood; Olivia Keightley-Todd, year 9 Mīharo award, merit in dreams in the form of art, food by design and Japanese, diligence award; Jade Kidd, merit in technology wood; Joshua Kruskopf, year 9 academic award for rātā house; excellence in mathematics, merit in Hitler, the holocaust and human rights, game design, money talks, music production and stuff your face! ,diligence award; Jamie Lind, merit in brathwaite centre literacy, diligence award; Shikayla Low, merit in jamming out, diligence award; Chevy MacDonald, merit in technology metal; Kayla Marsh, merit in English, technology wood and Te reo Māori; Sarah McKenzie, year 9 Mīharo award, diligence award; Connor McVicar, excellence in character design, merit in English, let's get active and train to gain; Yoku Miura, year 9 Mīharo Award, year 9 academic award for mataī house, excellence in computer science and mathematics, merit in English, game design, Hitler, the holocaust and human rights, money talks, music production and Te reo Māori; Ruben Parsons, merit in Hitler, the holocaust and human rights and technology wood; Mikaela Rankin, merit in English and selfie culture; Nicholas Serna, merit in music production; Joshua Shand, merit in Hitler, the holocaust and human rights and jamming out; Ethan Sinclair, merit in mathematics, moving, moving, moving, next big star and sports academy; Toby Sinclair merit in technology wood; Salem Trounson, excellence in mathematics, merit in computer science, English, gaming music and moving, moving, moving; Kepha Vahua, merit in Japanese; Marcus Viggo, year 9 Mīharo award, merit in brathwaite centre literacy and spec; Kassie Vincent, merit in let's get active and truth in film; Kotuku Wana, merit in science, sports academy and train to gain; Luka Watkin-Robertson, merit in science; Zavier Watterston, diligence award; Natalie Weis, award for excellence in junior art, year 9 academic award for tōtara house, excellence in age of superheroes, character design, computer science, English, food by design, mathematics and textiles, merit in money talks and moving, moving, moving, diligence award; Nikita Wright, merit in music, diligence award
Year 10
Lucas Bain, year 10 Mīharo award, excellence in moving, moving, moving and train to gain, merit in music, diligence award; Matthew Barrett, YEAR 10 academic award for kōwhai house, excellence in mathematics, merit in English, moving, moving, moving and sports academy; Sophie Bartley, merit in let's get active and next big star!, diligence award; Tylo Bonthuys, year 10 Mīharo award, excellence in computer science, game design, Japanese and mathematics, merit in Hitler, the holocaust and human rights, diligence award; Dallis Bosworth, diligence award; Leila Brown, Merit in dreams in the form of art and technology wood; Lena Crawford-Moore, merit in brathwaite centre music; Liam Dick, year 10 Mīharo Award, year 10 academic award for tōtara house, excellence in next big Star!, merit in English and Japanese, diligence award; Grace Duxbury, year 10 Mīharo Award; excellence in age of superheroes, English, how nature fights back, Japanese, mathematics and sports education, merit in technology wood, Te reo Māori and visual art, diligence award; Ishika Eshrani, year 10 Mīharo Award, merit in moving, moving, moving, diligence award; Zara Evans, excellence in money talks, merit in age of superheroes, born to move, English, Japanese and mathematics, diligence award; Jamin Falwasser, excellence in next big star!, merit in science; Miyah Hampton, merit in selfie culture and textiles technology, diligence award; Finn Haughey, merit in Hitler, the holocaust and human rights and science; Shawna Henderson, merit in drama and jamming out; Reed Hipgrave, merit in amazing race, mathematics, money talks, next big star!, sports academy and technology wood, diligence award; Louka Holden, year 10 Mīharo award, merit in English and visual art; Joshua Hopping, year 10 Mīharo award, year 10 academic award for rātā house, excellence in moving, moving, moving, sports academy and technology metal, merit in mathematics and next big star!, diligence award; Chloe Hughes, excellence in visual art, merit in music production and textiles; Charles Jansen, Merit in Music; Janelle Martin, Merit in Mathematics and Technology Wood; James Pedersen, merit in money talks, technology metal and technology wood, diligence award; Max Quigley, excellence in mathematics, merit in English, food technology, Hitler, the holocaust and human rights, money talks, science foundation and sports academy, diligence award; Ezekiel Renton, year 10 Mīharo award, excellence in mathematics, diligence award; Blake Rickerby, diligence award; Sophie Rielly, year 10 Mīharo award; Kayden Robinson, merit in age of superheroes, moving, moving, moving and train to gain; Grace Shemely, merit in moving, moving, moving, stuff your face and textiles technology, diligence award; Niachelle Steenekamp, year 10 Mīharo Award, excellence in character design, English, Hitler, the holocaust and human rights and truth in film, merit in age of superheroes, born to move, Japanese, mathematics, money talks and technology wood, diligence award; Aditya Surira, year 10 Mīharo award, excellence in computer science, game design, how nature fights back and mathematics, merit in money talks and technology metal, diligence award; James Tate, diligence award; Cody Te Ngahue-Forbes, excellence in next big star!; Alex Tiffany, year 10 Mīharo Award, year 10 academic award for mataī house, excellence in age of superheroes, computer science, mathematics and technology metal, merit in English, money talks, music production, technology wood and train to gain, diligence award; Fynn Watkin-Robertson, merit in mathematics and technology metal, diligence award; Bailey Wells, year 10 Mīharo award, merit in English, mathematics, money talks and technology wood, diligence award; Joshua White, cup for commitment to drama, year 10 Mīharo award, excellence in drama, merit in amazing race, English, jamming out and mathematics, diligence award
Special Awards
Contribution to the Urban Farm Award, Lucas Bain
Citizenship Year 9-10 (Boy), Lucas Bain
Citizenship Year 9-10 (Girl), Grace Duxbury
Young Māori Achiever at Years 7-9, Campbell Tate
Academic Achievement at Year 9, Natalie Weis
Academic Achievement at Year 10, Grace Duxbury
Best All-Round Junior Student Grace Duxbur