Mosgiel resident Joe Morris, who recently retired as a justice of the peace, was surprised on Tuesday to receive a jury call-up letter from the Ministry of Justice.
''It has my date of birth on the front of the form they sent,'' Mr Morris said.
''I would probably sleep through 80% of [the trial].''
Ministry of Justice communications adviser Jimmy Ellingham said the forms were sent at random and date of birth was not taken into account.
''You could be 95 and perfectly capable and willing to do jury service, and people do.
''We don't discriminate with age.''
Mr Morris can choose to get out of jury service, because by law anyone aged over 65 can be excused.
He said he would opt out, but would like to see more care taken to ensure he did not have to deal with the problem again.
''I see a slackness in the public service at the moment.
''They don't have enough time or staff to pay attention to detail.''