Year 11
Oliver Bachop, merit physical education; Robbie Baxter, merit music, mathematics; Marcus Beagley, merit physical education, English, mathematics, physics; Mitchell Botting, excellence digital technology, merit DVC, mathematics, science; Hamish Brown, merit mathematics, technology, science; James Burchell, merit history, English, mathematics; Will Burdon, merit agriculture; Isaac Cooper, merit technology, science; Charlie Davies, merit physical education, mathematics; Fynn Duncan, merit agriculture; Tom Elliott, merit history, physical education; Lachlan Ellis, merit history, accounting, mathematics, chemistry; Matthew Fokkens, excellence English, merit history, mathematics, science; Oliver Geddes, merit economics, agriculture; Bailey Godkin, merit accounting, economics, mathematics, physical education, science; Andrew Goh, excellence biology, merit German, English,
![Jerry Chen.](
Academic excellence: Johnny Baker, excellence history, mathematics, science, merit English; Alex Byars, excellence accounting, mathematics, merit visual art, German, English; Daniel Clemens, excellence German, English, L2 mathematics, science, merit chemistry; Angus Cotton, excellence economics, English, merit history, mathematics; Jack Craig-Pearson, excellence digital technology, English, merit history, mathematics, science; Thomas Cross, excellence agriculture, biology, merit English, mathematics; Boen Deng, excellence history, English, L2 mathematics, chemistry, science, merit German; Sam Engelbrecht, excellence English, merit history, visual art; Angus Frew, excellence geography, accounting, English, biology, science, merit L2 mathematics; Max Gomez, excellence biology, physics, merit L2 mathematics; Nick Guilford, excellence visual art, digital technology, merit English, mathematics, science; Benjamin Hall, excellence accounting, English, biology, physics, merit L2 mathematics, chemistry; Andrew Hughes, excellence history, economics, English, biology, science, merit mathematics; Lachlan Kenneally, excellence English, biology, physics, merit L2 mathematics, chemistry, accounting; Ben Mitchell, excellence visual art, German, English, physics, L2 mathematics, science; Jack Pacey, excellence history, English, physics, merit L2 mathematics, visual art, chemistry; Will Paterson, excellence history, economics, digital technology, merit English, mathematics, science; Tom Shallard, excellence physical education, English, mathematics, science, merit in history; Matthew Silvey, excellence geography, English, biology, L2 mathematics, science; Thomas Sime, excellence agriculture, technology, merit DVC, mathematics; Josh Stoddard, excellence accounting, physical education, English, physics, L2 mathematics, chemistry; Ben Timmings, excellence history, mathematics, science, merit economics, physical education, English; Jaiden Tucker, excellence history, English, L2 mathematics, merit German, chemistry, science; Tyler Wilden, excellence geography, technology, merit physical education, English, mathematics, science; Ben Wishart, excellence visual art, English, physics, L2 mathematics, science, merit German.
Year 12
Jakob Annison, merit history, physical education; Lochie Bain, merit English, biology, agriculture, accounting, physical education; Zak Beck, merit English, geography; Henry Bell, excellence English, merit biology, history; Tom Berg, merit mathematics, physics; Quinn Campbell, merit English, history; Ben Carr, excellence English; Kyle Clark, merit agriculture, physical education; Harry Fraser, merit English, history; Jordan Gain, merit physical education; Hayden Gillespie, merit physical education; Paddy Hantler, excellence English; Thomas Hazlett, merit statistics; Bradley Holdridge, excellence English, merit biology; Toby Hope, merit agriculture, technology; Chia-Fu Hsu, excellence mathematics, merit physics, chemistry; Stephen Jannink, merit English, economics, DVC; George Johnston, merit agriculture, physical education; Matt Johnstone, merit accounting, DVC; Morgan Jones, merit art; Fergus Keiller, excellence geography, merit English, art; Bradley Leydon, excellence art; Toby McDonald, merit geography, history; Sean Mckenzie, merit statistics; James McPherson, excellence biology, merit mathematics, history; Taylor McRae, merit music; Taylor Mechen, merit geography, music; Jordan Mitchell, excellence DVC, merit physics, technology; Yugen Miyahara, excellence English, merit physics; Joshua Mullin, merit statistics; Jack Nicholls, merit geography, history; Will Palmer, merit technology, art; Mitchell Parks, merit agriculture, accounting, economics; Richard Ratcliff, merit digital technology; Lucas Reid, excellence history, merit English, statistics, accounting, economics; Fraser Reynolds, excellence biology, merit mathematics, physics, English, chemistry; Nathan Scott, excellence English, chemistry, merit mathematics, history; George Sinclair, merit English, history; Jimmy Sinclair, merit art; Tahir Singh, merit math studies, history; Bryant Wang, excellence mathematics; Andrew Wierda, merit mathematics, physics, economics, DVC; Philip Yarnall, merit statistics.
Academic excellence: Charlie Baker, excellence mathematics, biology, English, merit physics, chemistry; Ryan Boult, excellence English, biology, physics, DVC, merit mathematics, chemistry; Joe Brenssell, excellence mathematics, biology, merit physics, chemistry, L3 accounting; Courtland Ellis, excellence mathematics, chemistry, biology, DVC, merit art; Caleb Homersham, excellence biology, mathematics, physics, merit English, art, chemistry; Nick Page, excellence biology, art, merit English, mathematics, physics, chemistry; Fraser Reid, excellence mathematics, physics, digital technology, merit English, economics, German; Alfie Richardson, excellence English, geography, classics, merit mathematics, physics, art; Robert Sangster, excellence English, statistics, merit history, accounting; Ness Scully, excellence English, mathematics, physics, economics, merit chemistry, L3 accounting; Sebastian Sole, excellence mathematics, physics, economics, digital technology, German, merit English; Daniel Tan, excellence mathematics, English, chemistry, merit physics, biology; Alex Thomson, excellence English, physics, biology, history, merit mathematics, chemistry; Samuel Tomkins, excellence biology, English, merit mathematics, physics; Stuart Van Turnhout, excellence physics, visual art, DVC, merit English, mathematics, chemistry; Henry Ward, excellence English, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, art.
Year 13
David Alsop, excellence English; Daniel Baker, merit economics; Guillaume Bennani, excellence visual art, physical education; Anjas Bhogal, merit statistics; Josh Bijl, merit history, DVC, technology; Jordan Buck, excellence statistics, merit history, physical education, accounting, economics; Alex Chirnside, merit calculus, accounting, economics; Alex Crosado, merit biology; Jj Du Plessis, merit English, history, statistics; George Hope, merit agriculture, visual art; Connor Johnstone, merit physics, chemistry, biology, calculus; Brett Kingsbury, merit DVC; Harrison Lawrence, merit agriculture, financial maths, English; Cameron Lowery, excellence agriculture, merit geography, statistics; James Phizacklea, excellence music; Harry Rodger, merit economics; George Russell, merit history, geography, statistics, physical education; Andre Theis, excellence music, merit visual art; Christian Tucker, excellence math studies, merit English, biology; Hamish van Dyk, merit physical education; Greagh Williams, merit visual art; William Archer, merit calculus, DVC; Luke Davis-Rae, excellence physical education, merit English, history, statistics, accounting; Luke Duncan, merit agriculture, technology; Rory Ferguson, merit music; Liam Hickman, merit accounting; Luke Jarvie, merit English; maths studies, biology; Seamus Leahy, merit English, math studies; Noah Linscott, excellence music, physical education; Raphael Magnuson, merit physics, chemistry; Tom Mee, merit visual art, music; Saba Michael-Humphreys, merit drama; Liam Miller, excellence drama, merit history; Sam Moir-Grace, merit music; Ryan Neill, excellence agriculture; Lucas Ravenga-Taouma, merit digital technology; Louis Renner, excellence German, merit biology; Mitchell Rogers, merit history, statistics, drama, physical education; Peter Sangster, merit English, history, statistics, economics; Kiran Skelton, merit maths studies; Ryan Whelan, merit English, history, statistics, physical education, economics; Simon Zhao, merit digital technology.
Academic excellence: James Anderson, excellence physics, chemistry, calculus, accounting, economics; merit English; Jerry Chen, excellence mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology; Lochie Chittock, excellence biology, German, merit English, mathematics, chemistry, history; William Creighton, excellence biology, visual art, merit English, calculus; Matthew Dockerty, excellence English, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, French; Ned Ennion-Dickison, excellence English, biology, merit history, drama; Joe Garry, excellence history, geography, merit economics, calculus; Louis Jennings, excellence English, nathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, French; Elliot Kwok, excellence physics, chemistry, biology, calculus, merit English; Josh Mackay, excellence English, history, French, merit mathematics, biology; Luke Nie, excellence English, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology; Mark Robertson, excellence statistics, physical education, merit accounting, economics, English, history; Michael Sewell, excellence English, German, merit physics, chemistry; Alexander Timmings, excellence English, biology, economics, merit mathematics, chemistry, Spanish; Timothy Varsanyi, excellence accounting, economics, merit statistics.
Sports awards
Athletics: Senior champion, Taylor Mechen; mile championship cup, Lochie Chittock; intermediate champion, Josh Stoddard; field champion, Taylor Mechen.
Badminton: Andrew Goh.
Basketball: most outstanding, Sean Duff; contribution and commitment, Josh Stoddard; most improved, Angus Frew.
Cricket: Best bowling, Ness Scully; best batting, Jordan Gain; Loyalty, service and sportsmanship 1st XI, Henry Bell.
Cross-country: Senior champion, Lochie Chittock; intermediate champion, Josh Stoddard.
Football: Most improved 1st XI, Charlie Gruppelaar; contribution 1st XI, David Alsop.
Golf: Best gross, Kyle Clark; senior match play, Kyle Clark.
Hockey: Service, Mitchell Rogers; most valuable, Mitchell Rogers; most improved, Marcus Beagley.
Ice hockey: Contribution, Seamus Leahy.
Rowing: Rower of year, Bradley Leydon; most promising, Jack McLaughlan.
Rugby: Most improved, Reon Lowery; most valuable 1st XV, Rory Ferguson; services 1st XV, Rory Ferguson; most promising, Hunter Cleland.
Sailing: Henry South; commitment and service, Henry South.
Shooting: trapshooting, Shane Sanders; most improved, Alex Crosado.
Snow sports: Winston Brinsley.
Senior swimming: Courtland Ellis. Champion of champions, Courtland Ellis.
Tennis: Top player, Lachlan Kenneally.
Volleyball: Most outstanding,Peter Sangster; most promising senior, Sebastian Sole.
Waterpolo: Most valuable, Alex Chirnside.
Subject and special awards
Agricultural sciences, Ryan Neill; art, Guillaume Bennani, William Creighton; biology, Louis Jennings; chemistry, Jerry Chen; senior physics, Luke Nie; year 12 maths and physics, Sebastian Sole; computing, Sebastian Sole, Fraser Reid; year 12 Digitech Cup, Fraser Reid;
year 12 science, Henry Ward; mathematics, James Anderson, Jerry Chen; year 12 mathematics, Ben Mitchell, Chia-Fu Hsu; English, Luke Nie; Esol, Rix Chung; commerce, James Anderson; geography, Joe Garry; year 12 geography, Alfie Richardson; year 11 geography, Angus Frew; history, Josh Mackay, Joe Garry; French, Matthew Dockerty; commitment German, Lochie Chittock; commitment Spanish, Alex Timmings; workshop technology, Thomas Sime, Luke Duncan; DVC, William Archer; studies in physical education, Mark Robertson; year 12 physical education, Jordan Gain; creative writing year 12 and 13, Christian Tucker; creative writing year 11, Ben Wishart; speech year 12 and 13, Harrison Lawrence; debating top speaker, Joe Garry; commitment and service debating, Louis Jennings, Josh Mackay; contribution chess, William Archer; contribution drama, Ned Ennion-Dickison; service performing arts, Liam Miller; head librarian, Liam Miller; contribution and service library, Henry Ward, Josh Mackay; year 11 contribution library, James Burchell; contribution music, James Phizacklea, Andre Theis; interhouse cup, Gilray House.
Premier awards
Music, Noah Linscott; health sciences, Luke Nie; rural pupil of year, Cameron Lowery; boarding house award, Rory Ferguson; most outstanding sports team, rugby 1st XV; best all-round athlete, Rory Ferguson; highest-performing athlete, Rory Ferguson, Courtland Ellis; head prefect, Lochie Chittock; support for college's special character, Rory Ferguson; service community and college, Josh Mackay, Ned Ennion-Dickison; citizenship, Alex Timmings; best all-round pupil, Lochie Chittock.