Telecom Dunedin manager Nic Fallows said the retail shop was relocated last Friday - from the corner of George St and Moray Pl to the corner of George and St Andrew Sts.
Ms Fallows said the floor space of the new store was about 50% bigger.
The move had increased ''foot traffic'' by about 30%.
Since the move, three more staff had been employed - two full-time and one part-time.
More staff could be employed, she said.
The reaction to the rebrand from Telecom to Spark was mostly positive, she said.
Public affairs head Conor Roberts said the Dunedin store was fitted out with permanent Spark branding under cheap and easily removable ''vinyl'' Telecom branding.
Home, mobile and business general manager Jason Paris said the rebranding work in New Zealand, including changing the storefront of the 71 retail stores and 29 business hubs, would occur mostly on Thursday night.
One hundred and fifty of the most-used phone boxes in New Zealand would be rebranded with the remainder changed by the end of October, he said.