IT veteran awarded fellowship

IT Professionals New Zealand national president Anthony Dowling presents Bruce McMillan with an...
IT Professionals New Zealand national president Anthony Dowling presents Bruce McMillan with an honorary fellowship at a ceremony at the Toitu Early Settlers Museum last night. PHOTO: GREGOR RICHARDSON
When Bruce McMillan installed Dunedin’s first computer, it was slightly larger than the pocket-sized devices available today.

The imposing piece of equipment, installed at Cadbury Fry Hudson in 1963, was bigger than a car.

Its installation was among decades of achievements in IT that led to Mr McMillan being awarded an honorary fellowship by IT Professionals New Zealand at a ceremony at Toitu Otago Settlers Museum in Dunedin last night.

National president Anthony Dowling praised Mr McMillan’s foresight.

‘‘To see the significance of early computing equipment ... and preserving the historic computers which has enabled the likes of Toitu to have a truly unique collection.’’

Mr McMillan (84), who now lives at Bannockburn, was overwhelmed by the honour.

‘‘I’m amazed. It’s the last thing I expected,’’ he said.

He first started working in IT at the age of 22 in 1958, when he worked on accounting machines.

Since then, he had worked to preserve IT equipment for educational purposes.

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