Installation wraps up fine arts study

Artist Pamela Brown and husband Reuben Brown wallpaper their Lees St house yesterday. Photo by...
Artist Pamela Brown and husband Reuben Brown wallpaper their Lees St house yesterday. Photo by Jane Dawber.
For the past four years, Pamela Brown has been so wrapped up in her master of fine arts studies at Otago Polytechnic, she decided to swathe her house in wallpaper - inside and outside.

"It's the perfect way to wrap up my study," she said as she helped paste and staple bold and colourful wallpaper to the outside of her Lees St, Dunedin, home at the weekend.

Mrs Brown said from March 25-31, her whole house, inside and out, would become an art installation/gallery dedicated to the work of dominotieres - early makers and sellers of wallpaper.

"I liked playing with wallpaper during my four years of study. To me, it's an art form."

So much so, each day of her studies she kept a diary of thoughts and artistic doodles on rolls of wallpaper, which now hang from the walls of one of the rooms in her house.

She has also wallpapered her bedroom ceiling to make it look like a daisy-covered lawn.

Furniture is sparse, and Mrs Brown has opted to keep the essentials -one or two chairs, a couch and a bed - to make way for the installation.

"It's a little bit awkward living in the house while it's in this state," she said.

"Especially when you sleep in a room with fake grass and glue-gunned daisies on the roof. They tend to drop off on you in the night." The house was formerly the site of Sims and Blue Ltd painters and paper hangers.

"So it seems pertinent to have an art exhibition here." The wallpaper was holding up well despite the rain yesterday.

The house will be open to the public from March 25.

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