Otago regional councillors have been told not to "hold their breath" for a quick resolution to the suggestion the Dunedin City Council should take over the city's public transport services.
Debate over the proper body to oversee for the city's public transport services has raged for years.
Many citizens assume it is already the city's responsibilityRegional council chief executive Graeme Martin recently told a council meeting a combined report on whether to transfer responsibilities would be presented to both councils at their next round of meetings.
Despite the report, Mr Martin warned councillors that whatever was decided, it was going to take a long time to work through. About five city council departments had expertise relating to transport, such as events management and parking, and all had an impact.
"The real issue is how to bring them together to effectively operate," Mr Martin said.
In addition were the Government's changes concerning passenger transport which were not expected to be defined before the middle of next year, he said.
"Then they'll [the changes] need to be digested."
If it was decided to transfer responsibilities, implementation would be two to three years away, Mr Martin said.