A massive delegation from the South Island iwi poured into Dunedin for the Hui-a-Iwi during the weekend as the three Otago runanga - Otakou, Puketeraki and Moeraki - hosted the hui in the city.
Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu event co-ordinator Kitty Brown said leaders and iwi members had praised Dunedin's hosting of the event.
''The feedback we got from our people was that Otago had done Ngai Tahu proud,'' she said.
''I think Christchurch will be struggling to get it [the Hui-a-Iwi] back off us now.
''People loved the venue.''
About 5000 people packed into Dunedin Town Hall on Saturday as the iwi opened its doors to the wider community.
''It was huge,'' Mrs Brown said.
Residents were treated to a wide array of music, arts, workshops, crafts and kai stalls.
''It was pretty massive,'' she said.
''The engagement was amazing.
''The three local runangas' aspiration for the Hui-a-Iwi was to strengthen relationships and build new relationships with the Otago community and their aspirations were realised ... we couldn't have asked for a better turnout and a better response from the community,'' Mrs Brown said.
Busloads of iwi members were transported around Dunedin during the weekend to visit the city's museums and other cultural highlights, such as the collections in the Hocken Library and Dunedin Public Art Gallery.
When the Otago Daily Times visited the town hall on Saturday morning it was buzzing with musical performances and stalls.
On Otago Harbour, some Hui-A-Iwi attendees braved chilly weather to try sailing in a traditional double-hulled waka brought to Dunedin from Kawhia, Hamilton.
Accompanied by Hoturoa Kerr, of Tainui, the waka had never been as far South.
The traditional waka had inspired the catamaran design, and was a familiar sight in the Pacific Islands in Captain James Cook's time, Mr Kerr said.
The three-day festival concluded yesterday with the iwi's annual meeting.