While the initial buzz has worn off, Heat Smart providers are still flat out assessing and retrofitting Otago homes.
The insulation and clean heat scheme, Warm Up New Zealand: Heat Smart, was introduced in July by the Government and 159 Otago homes benefited from it that month.
Craig Scoullar Electrical co-owner Becky Scoullar said "the phones have quietened down" but the business was still "very busy" with people waiting up to a month for assessments and three to four months for installation.
No new staff had been hired but it would be looked into once the contracts were finalised next month, she said.
"It's going really well, we are enjoying what we are doing," she said.
Energy Smart chief executive officer Joan Smith also said her business had been "quite busy".
"The response has been more than expected. It's great."
Assessments were expected to be completed within two months and installation within a month, she said.
More staff had been hired as the business "scrambled" to catch up with demand.
She wanted to remind people assessments and installations could still occur in summer months, and was a more desirable time to have them done.
Energy Efficiency Conservation Authority chief executive Mike Underhill said interest in the scheme had been "exceptional" with 3282 homes being retrofitted nationally in July.
"There's been a massive response, and we're asking homeowners to be patient. To match the high demand, we're bringing on more businesses that are able to deliver the programme across the country from October."