Your say: Dunedin hospital protest

Protesters were united on Saturday, but for many different reasons. The ODT asked people in the street why they were marching.

"It's very important to remember it's not just old people who are in the hospital. It's young ones too who might not get a chance to live until they are 50, so we need to make sure they do see that number."

Ruby-Mae Inch, 13, Fairfield

"It's ridiculous. I voted in this government and I'm appalled to think that [the new hospital] is not going to go through."

Viv Oswald, Dunedin

"It's really important for the whole region and the whole nation. If we're not healthy then we're not going to have anything."

Tim Vick, with Isobel Vick, 8, Dunedin

"I had a dad who waited in agony for knee surgery for five years, so to hear they are going to downsize (the hospital) is absolutely appalling."

Joanna Inch, Fairfield

"It's broken promises. Less funding equals less livelihood. It's not party politics, it's health politics and Southland's losing out, that's why I'm here."

Harrison Fulford, Dunedin

