A haven for the Taieri's blokes

Working in the shed... From left Bart Hellendoorn, Phil Purves (at rear), Bob Biggart and Mike...
Working in the shed... From left Bart Hellendoorn, Phil Purves (at rear), Bob Biggart and Mike Skelly paint their communal ‘‘Blokes Shed’’ at the Taieri Aerodrome. Photo by Jane Dawber.
In a lean-to at the old NAC hanger at the Otago Aero Club, six Southern blokes braved the cold weather on Saturday for a spot of interior decorating.

The Taieri Blokes shed working bee was aimed at sprucing up the lean-to, before it becomes a haven for blokes and honorary blokes (women) to tinker away in the communal shed.

Once the paint dried, some finishing touches were required before the machinery could be set up, Blokes Shed spokesman Lieutenant-commander Phil Bradshaw said.

The idea of the shed, and its counterpart at Kings High School, was to create a communal place where its members could take part in projects to benefit the community, and provide an area for members to work on their own projects.

At present, 60 blokes, and two honorary blokes had joined the group, he said.

The Taieri shed is expected to be completed this winter, while work on the former tractor shed at Kings is expected to begin later this year.

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