Habitat turns its hand to renovation

A former state house, in original 1960s condition, will be hauled into the modern era during Habitat for Humanity Dunedin's next project.

The organisation, which builds affordable homes in partnership with low-income families who cannot secure loans or mortgages by normal means, has built 13 houses in Dunedin since 1995, but this will be the first renovation.

Board chairman Colin McLeod said the project would cost about $160,000.

Buying a section and building a house could cost $230,000, he said.

"It's just becoming unaffordable."

How future projects were carried out would depend on the situation at the time.

The three-bedroom Brockville house will receive a cosmetic lift, the living areas will be opened up and a new kitchen, heat-pump and ranch-slider installed.

Applications from families interested in receiving the "hand up, not hand out" were being called for.

They were expected to join a team of volunteers to work on the house and receive an interest-free loan to buy it.

A meeting will take place at 7pm tomorrow, at Presbyterian Support Otago, Moray Pl.

Phone 477-3507 for details.


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