Civil Defence Minister Nikki Kaye made the announcement this morning, saying the funding would be available to help residents affected by the flooding.
The fund aimed to help people cover the cost of essentials, including furniture and fittings, heating, temporary accommodation, one-off medical costs and establishment fees for phone connections.
"The focus of the Mayoral Relief Fund is supporting residents unable to get help from other avenues, such as insurance, to get back into clean, dry homes," she said.
The government funding was in addition to that of the council, which contributed $150,000 when setting up the fund after the June 3 flood, which delivered 175mm of rain to the city in 24 hours.
The flooding affected around 1250 properties across Dunedin, resulting in about about 45 applications for support, with more expected.
"There will be families who are feeling the financial impact on top of the emotional experience of dealing with the floods, and we want to help those families through this," Ms Kaye said.