Mr Harvey has taken care of the garden of a friend for the past five years, but now she is going into care the house will be sold.
Keen to track down another plot in which to plant his personal mark, he found a garden in Bush Rd.
''I found a section that could do with some tender love and care and I thought that I could improve the section a bit and it would be to the property owner's benefit,'' Mr Harvey said.
He has begun to turn the plot into a vege patch and the fruits - and vegetables - of his labour would be shared between him and the garden's owner.
While it might sound like the act of a Good Samaritan, he did it solely for the enjoyment of gardening. The chance to help others was just a bonus, he said.
He began the projects because his love of gardening was curtailed by a move into house with a smaller section, he said.
While he was friends with the first property's owners, his new project came about because of the persuasiveness of his green thumb and charm.
''I saw that this section could do with a bit of tender love and care and made myself known and put up a proposal that I would be willing to plant a vege garden,'' he said.
''I have dug and planted out an area the property owner and I are happy with and surplus veges will be shared.''
He had been gardening since he was 10 and while his new project would keep him busy, he continued to maintain the other garden - in Severn St - until the property was sold, Mr Harvey said.