The week before the junior football season starts, the club’s 300 children, aged 4 to 17, would now train for their first game of the season on grounds blighted by tyre marks, club coach Murray Devereux said.
"It’s actually ripped the grass and dirt out of the ground and made it uneven," Mr Devereux said.
"It’s just senseless."
The club noticed the damage on Sunday morning and notified both police and the Dunedin City Council, Mr Devereux said.
The club was hoping somebody who saw something would come forward, he said.
Queens Dr, which loops past the park, was often used as a place to park at the weekend, he said. It appeared at least one vehicle had driven over a chain to get into the park before ripping up the turf.
A police spokeswoman said they were aware of the incident.
Any action to be taken was yet to be determined, she said.