A bylaw restricting development on flood-water pathways on the lower Taieri will be put out for public consultation in March.
The Otago Regional Council policy and submissions committee yesterday approved the flood protection management bylaw 2008 as the most appropriate way of addressing the perceived problem of the scheme's efficiency on the Taieri being eroded and agreed a full review of the bylaw should begin.
Policy and resource planning director Fraser McRae said the bylaw did not cover informal features such as swales, which were important for carrying flood water from local ponding and spillways to planned ponding areas.
The review of the bylaw would extend current protections to cover these features to prevent activities or obstructions such as shipping containers or baleage being put in the way of the flood paths, Mr McRae said.
These changes would not be retrospective and the council "had to live with that", he said.
Cr Bryan Scott asked, if not applied retrospectively, how would the "perceived problems" be addressed?
Mr McRae said the level of obstruction of swales was fairly minor at present so the review was an attempt to "get out in front before it becomes an issue".
Chairman Stephen Woodhead said before the council sent the bylaw out for consultation it needed accurate data to show landowners how it would affect them.
Mr McRae said that work was being done and would be ready for the planned public meetings in March and May next year.
The bylaw changes would also impact on landowners affected by council-owned flood protection works at Hilderthorpe, North Otago, Alexandra and the Clutha Delta.
After the public consultation, the council planned to notify the bylaw review in July, with a hearing to be held in August.