Fire crews attend 'well involved' house fire in Vauxhall

A resident who called emergency services about a house fire in Vauxhall said he was shocked to find the "whole bottom floor on fire" when he went to investigate.

A Fire and Emergency spokeswoman said it was called to a "well involved" house fire on Danube St, Vauxhall about 5.29pm today.

Four engines from Dunedin stations St Kilda, Dunedin City, Roslyn and Lookout Point were at the scene and were still in attendance an hour later.

A police spokeswoman said officers attended the scene to provide traffic management.

"No one was reported to have been inside the house during the incident," she said.

Fire and Emergency and Police attend the scene of a "well involved" house fire in Vauxhall. Photo...
Fire and Emergency and Police attend the scene of a "well involved" house fire in Vauxhall. Photo: Gregor Richardson

One resident believed he was the first to call emergency services about the fire.

The man said he noticed smoke and "called it in a minute later" before going to investigate.

"I was shocked, the whole bottom floor was on fire and the windows were blown out.

"I noticed the gas bottles when I opened a door and my partner screamed for me to ‘get out’," he said.

Another resident from the street was in his garden when he noticed smoke coming from the house.

"I was in the garden and I thought 'oh that’s a bit close'."

The man said he came down the drive to check it was not a particular property, and was pleased to inform that neighbour it was not their home.

