Financial reward for top Otago pupils

Three Otago students are financially better off after being named among the best and brightest pupils of 2011.

Scholarship Premier Awards were announced last week by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority. Ten students were awarded premier awards, 51 outstanding scholar awards and 34 top subject awards.

Former Logan Park High School head boy, dux and Otago Daily Times Class Act recipient, Patrick Dawson (18) won an outstanding scholar award - the only Otago and Southland pupil to do so and one of only three to go to South Island pupils.

"It's a great surprise. I didn't feel hugely confident."

He achieved an outstanding scholarship in statistics and calculus and scholarships in physics, English and media studies.

The award comes with $5000 a year for three years, money which he planned to use to help pay his fees at the University of Otago where he is studying physics.

Logan Park principal Jane Johnson said Mr Dawson had been an outstanding student academically and culturally and in leadership and sport.

He had been a consistent high achiever, gaining maths scholarships in year 11 and year 12 and taking part in the school's gifted and talented programmes. He was also a member of the region's debating team and a keen film-maker.

"He has a very humble attitude. He deserves all the success he gets."

In the top subject awards Kavanagh College pupil Evan Fenemor (18), who is studying land surveying at Otago University, was top in drama and Christian Holtorf (17), an international pupil at Otago Boys' High School, was top in German. He has returned to Germany to continue his studies.

In Southland, James Hargest College pupil Kate Maxwell was top in physical education.

They received $2000 a year for up to three years.



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