And now there is another.
How did a rather large Dunedin tabby cat named Neo get stuck in the roof of a house a block away, for four days?
It has Neo’s owner Daisy Howes wondering.
"I guess it’s just another one of life’s mysteries."
She said Neo failed to come home to his Sidey St residence for dinner last Friday, but the family was not too worried because he had a habit of disappearing for a couple of days at a time.
But when Monday rolled around, they started to get worried.
"He’s very docile and friendly and loving, but also quite curious and not the brightest."
They put a call in to the SPCA to see if any cats matching Neo’s description had been turned in.
The SPCA said none had.
"So we rushed up to her house and listened out for him," Ms Howe said.
"As soon as I said Neo’s name, he started meowing louder, so we were able to identify he was in the roof of the veranda.
"We scratched the wood on the roof and he would scratch back and dust would fall out."
After a quick call to Fire and Emergency New Zealand, firefighters lifted a sheet of iron from the roof and out popped Neo — hungry, thirsty and craving some attention.
"We have no idea how he got in there.
"I think he’s used up a few lives on this.
"It is so lucky he is alive.
"I don’t know how he survived actually.
"My kids are really glad to have him home again."