Family marks double milestone

Erin Stephenson was admitted to the bar in the High Court at Dunedin yesterday, supported by...
Erin Stephenson was admitted to the bar in the High Court at Dunedin yesterday, supported by grandparents Sheila and Willie Russell. PHOTO: CHRISTINE O'CONNOR
There was a milestone moment for two generations of the same family in the High Court at Dunedin yesterday.

Erin Stephenson (23) was one of 10 "freshly minted members of the legal profession" admitted to the bar on the day her proud grandparents celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary.

The occasion was "quite amazing", grandmother Sheila Russell said following the formalities at the refurbished courthouse in Stuart St.

She had suspected Ms Stephenson had the makings of a vocal advocate early in her life when taking care of her during the school holidays.

"She could talk when she was 2 years old, 19 to the dozen," Mrs Russell said.

And Ms Stephenson did not disappoint yesterday, giving an off-the-cuff speech when her chance arose before Justice Cameron Mander.

Her passion for the law had an unusual birth, she revealed.

Ms Stephenson said she had been inspired by the movie Legally Blonde, where an ill-equipped character played by Reese Witherspoon goes to Harvard to study law.

Though a penchant for pink shoes and post-it notes remained, her view of the profession had changed somewhat since she watched the film as a 9-year-old.

Ms Stephenson also paid tribute to her parents during her speech and referenced her grandparents' landmark anniversary.

"It's such a treat to share such an exciting day with you and I'm so thankful you're here," she said.

It turned out the secret to her oration was shared in a way by one of her grandparents.

Ms Stephenson confessed to a champagne breakfast to calm the nerves yesterday whereas grandfather Willie Russell, who came to Dunedin from Paisley in Scotland 20 years ago, had a more traditional approach.

"I've always said I like a good whisky every night. That's one of my secrets."

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