Extension for investigation into ORC

David Parker.
David Parker.
A government investigation into the Otago Regional Council has been delayed by a month because of the ''complexities'' involved.

In May, Environment Minister David Parker announced the investigation into the council due to concerns about its ability to meet deadlines for large water-quality projects.

The terms of reference stated it would start before July 1 and a report would be given to Mr Parker before yesterday.

Yesterday, the ministry said Mr Parker granted investigator Peter Skelton an extension until October 1.

Mr Parker said in a letter to council chairman Stephen Woodhead this was due to the ''complexities of the matter'' and forthcoming Environment Court decisions regarding the Lindis catchment.

The decisions, relating to management of water limits and allocation, would be relevant, he said.


What's the bet nothing will be found, the orc will be cleared and this will be quickly swept under the carpet.

