Driver flees after destroying parking meter

The damaged parking meter on York Pl. Photo: Peter McIntosh
The damaged parking meter on York Pl. Photo: Peter McIntosh
A driver fled the scene after crashing into a Dunedin parking meter and ripping it out of the pavement.

A Fire and Emergency New Zealand spokesman said crews from Dunedin central fire station attended the single vehicle crash in York Pl about 12.20am this morning.

When crews arrived they discovered the parking meter had been ripped right out of the pavement and the occupants of the vehicle had left the scene, the spokesman said.

Sergeant Matthew Lee, of Dunedin, said the vehicle had been coming down the street and it appeared it had hit another vehicle as well as the parking meter.

The council had been advised of the crash by officers and inquiries were continuing about the cause of the incident and whether the car was potentially stolen, Sgt Lee said.

