Dog day benefits SPCA

Shiatsu lhasa Apso Ewok (left) and Pomeranian Mishka play the canine version of musical chairs to...
Shiatsu lhasa Apso Ewok (left) and Pomeranian Mishka play the canine version of musical chairs to music by the Baha Men at Forrester Park on Saturday. Photo by Craig Baxter.
We have all heard of musical chairs.

When people play the game, it is simple entertainment.

But make no bones about it - when dogs do it, it makes money.

About 20 dogs and their owners converged on Forrester Park on Saturday for the Dog Whisperer Service's twice-yearly fundraising event for the SPCA.

Service co-owner Belinda Culling said the event was the second fundraiser held this year and $500 had been raised for the SPCA with walks and games for dogs and their owners.

"This is something where they can have fun and spend quality time interacting with each other."

The dogs played the canine version of musical chairs on Saturday, in which they had to sit down when the music stopped.

"It's a fun way for owners to learn to give commands, and for their dogs to take commands like sitting," Miss Culling said.

One of the dogs, a papillon named Meg, had been rescued from an abusive owner, who kept her in a cage for most of her life.

"She didn't know how to sit when she came here today. But by the end of the game, she had it down pat . . . They do learn off the other dogs around them."

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