Doc asks dog owners to respect moulting penguins

Dog owners are being asked to take extra care with their animals on the Otago coastline over the next two months as penguins come ashore to moult.

Moulting is the period of time spent ashore annually when penguins shed their waterproof coat of feathers and grow a new set.

It can take up to a month and birds lose up to half their body weight through normal metabolism while they cannot feed in the sea.

The Department of Conservation said dogs were a particular threat at this time, as penguins were often close to shore on beaches and had little energy for defence.

One penguin had already fallen victim to a dog attack south of Brighton last week, which Doc biodiversity ranger Mel Young described as a "tragedy".

The Yellow-eyed Penguin Trust put up signs to warn people penguins were moulting in the Dunedin area, and instructing them to keep their dogs under control.

Doc also reminded people harassment by people or dogs could result in penguins fleeing the area, possibly for the sea, which could have disastrous consequences.

The public was encouraged to call Doc on 0800 362 468 if they saw injured or moulting penguins, particularly if humans or dogs were threatening them.


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