Dental school's heritage retained

An artist's impression of the new University of Otago School of Dentistry building. IMAGES:...
An artist's impression of the new University of Otago School of Dentistry building. IMAGES: JASMAX ARCHITECTS
An artist's impression of the new reception area.
An artist's impression of the new reception area.
An impression of the clinical area in the new building.
An impression of the clinical area in the new building.

The first artist's impressions of the new University of Otago School of Dentistry reveal aspects of the modernist Walsh Building will be retained in the $12 6million project.

The 1961 building is listed as a category 1 historic place, of special or outstanding historical or cultural significance or value, by Heritage New Zealand.

The building's heritage-listed glass curtain facade will be replaced with a replica facade which meets technology and weather-proofing standards, and the north-facing mosaic wall will be strengthened.

A University of Otago spokeswoman said Heritage New Zealand would work closely with heritage specialist Salmond-Reed to ensure the building's historic listing was not compromised.

The west wing of the Walsh Building was being demolished to create room for a new 8000sq m clinical services building, she said.

The new building would house services currently offered in the Walsh Building, including radiology, orthodontics, oral surgery, undergraduate clinics and paediatric dentistry. The remainder of the Walsh Building (8000sq m) would house teaching spaces, academic support, academic offices and research laboratories, she said.

Parts of the Walsh Building which had been closed to School of Dentistry staff and students were expected to reopen on June 16.

Last week, the university confirmed more than 500 patients receiving dental work from the service had appointments cancelled or rescheduled because of demolition work within the building.

Property services director Barry MacKay said the service was revising where it would move School of Dentistry staff affected by the construction.

The main contractor for the construction project would be selected within two months, he said. 

Work in progress 

West Wing demolition begun

June 16: Central lift core and rest of West Wing structure to be demolished. Staff and students who have been temporarily working in other buildings will return to the Walsh Building.

June 28-August: West Wing foundations removed.

Early August: Demolition scheduled to be complete.

July-August: Contractor for Clinical Services Building construction and Walsh Building redevelopment due to be announced.


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