Demio theft prompts police reminder

Data released by AMI insurance in March indicated Mazda Demios were New Zealand’s most stolen car...
Data released by AMI insurance in March indicated Mazda Demios were New Zealand’s most stolen car. File photo
Police are urging Mazda Demio owners to use steering-wheel locks after another car was stolen by two youths recently.

Senior Sergeant Anthony Bond, of Dunedin, said officers located a stolen Demio in Surrey St with two youths inside about 10pm on Friday.

The incident served as a reminder for Demio owners to buy a steering-wheel lock to make the cars harder to steal, Snr Sgt Bond said.

In March, data released by AMI insurance indicated Mazda Demios were New Zealand’s most stolen car, accounting for 10% of claims received by the company despite making up 1.5% of the vehicle fleet.

The two youths were known to police and have been referred to youth aid, Snr Sgt Bond said.

