The discovery of leg-hold traps in Frasers Gully has prompted a warning from the Dunedin City Council.
Council parks and cemetery manager Scott MacLean yesterday said five traps had been found and removed from the area in recent days.
The traps were found last week after reports of suspected trapping in the area were forwarded to the council by a member of the public, Mr MacLean said.
The report had prompted an immediate search by a council contractor which was ongoing.
No animals had been found in the traps so far, but people and pet owners were warned to be cautious, he said.
''We're asking dog owners to be cautious in the area while signage is in place.
''We're also advising neighbouring residents as there may be a risk for cats if they roam in the area,'' he said.
The risk to people was considered ''relatively low, as the traps located so far have been in the bush and away from the walking track''.
''However, there is some risk to those people that might be exploring off-track,'' he said.
The traps were likely to have been set by people wanting to trap possums for their fur, he said.
While possums were considered a pest, people were not allowed to set traps on council land without permission, he said.