Unchanged pay locked in for year

Photo: ODT Files
Photo: ODT Files
Levels of pay for Dunedin councillors that were arrived at after fraught debate last year have been locked in, unchanged, for the next year.

Councillor pay rates are determined across New Zealand by the Remuneration Authority, which largely kept levels for the 2023-24 year where they had been since last year’s elections.

A vehicle kilometre allowance for elected representatives was increased.

The authority increased the remuneration for elected community board members by 4% after they had not received a pay rise following last year’s elections.

Almost all councils had their councillor remuneration pools remain at existing levels.

Dunedin Mayor Jules Radich had his remuneration stay at $172,378.

An early challenge for his mayoralty came when the authority last year rejected the council’s initial proposed allocation of pay among councillors as unfair.

It would have resulted in a significant pay cut for two councillors, Steve Walker and David Benson-Pope.

In the end, the council amended its proposal to have deputy mayor Sophie Barker receive $110,475, committee chairmen and chairwomen $90,979, committee deputy chairs $77,982, and those councillors with no additional responsibilities $72,783.

The pay scale was accepted by the authority and confirmed again for 2023-24.

Otago regional councillors are not due for a pay rise this year, either.

Chairwoman Cr Gretchen Robertson will receive $152,881 and deputy chairman Cr Lloyd McCall $84,869.

A councillor with no additional responsibilities would receive $65,000.

The Remuneration Authority said Environment Canterbury chairman Peter Scott would receive $180,000 (deputy chairman Craig Pauling $120,000) and Environment Southland chairman Nicol Horrell $129,434 (deputy chairman Jeremy McPhail $63,265).

The vehicle kilometre allowance for the first 14,000km travelled in a year was increased from $0.83/km to $0.95/km.

The pay for Invercargill Mayor Nobby Clark was set at $149,291 and for the mayor of Queenstown Lakes, Glyn Lewers, $143,734.

Clutha District Mayor Bryan Cadogan ($124,638) was on slightly more than his brother Tim Cadogan ($120,841), who is mayor of Central Otago.

Southland District Mayor Rob Scott’s remuneration was $134,914 and Gore District Mayor Ben Bell’s pay was $112,010. — Additional reporting Hamish MacLean


