Slightly cheaper entry to new pool for spell

Mosgiel’s new pool complex, Te Puna o Whakaehu, will open this month. PHOTO: FACEBOOK
Mosgiel’s new pool complex, Te Puna o Whakaehu, will open this month. PHOTO: FACEBOOK
The new Mosgiel pool could have slightly cheaper access fees in the first dozen days than will apply for the next year.

The Dunedin City Council is to have an extraordinary meeting next week that will enable a temporary fee structure to be brought in before approved charges come in on July 1.

The long-awaited new Taieri aquatic facility, Te Puna o Whakaehu, is due to open on June 19.

In the part of June when the pool complex is open, the adult rate will be $7.40 for adults and $3.40 for school pupils.

After July 1, the entry fee is set to be $7.60 for adults and $3.50 for school pupils.

The charges align with those for Moana Pool.

Concession, family and toddler rates will also be offered, and group fitness classes.

The council adopted fees for the Mosgiel pool in 2022-23, but the information used was out of date.

The fees that will apply from July have been proposed as part of the 2023-24 draft annual plan.

