The grassed area of the upper Octagon in Dunedin is being replaced, following the two-month occupation by protesters opposed to Covid-19 vaccine mandates.
Protesters packed up their tents on Monday after they had been warned trespass notices were imminent.
New turf would be laid and grass seed sown to repair damage and ensure a consistent look, a Dunedin City Council spokesman said.

Contractors for the Dunedin City Council start work yesterday to replace turf in the Octagon that was damaged during an occupation by protesters. PHOTO: GERARD O’BRIEN
Work started yesterday and was expected to take several days.
"This will again allow the public to enjoy the space as soon as possible," the spokesman said.
"Until the work is complete we won’t have exact costs."
Dunedin Mayor Aaron Hawkins has said ratepayers are set to cover the cost.