A Dunedin City Council hearings panel says it needs more information before finalising new rules for the city's beaches and reserves.
The panel, headed by Cr Andrew Whiley, spent about two hours yesterday deliberating on the draft reserves and beaches bylaw, after hearing from some of the 433 submitters on the issue at last week's hearing.
The bylaw would extend the reserves bylaw to cover beaches and introduce new restrictions on drones, vehicles and horses on beaches.
Cr Whiley said the panel was now seeking more information, and would reconvene in public to conclude its deliberations on April 5.
The finalised bylaw would need to be signed off at the next full council meeting that followed, scheduled for May 1, he said.
You at the Council are wasting our rate payers money trying to make you sound knowledgable. Leave the drone laws to the Government, otherwise you will end up with too many laws / bylaws and you will not know where you are.
Most people do not want motor vehicles, speeding or otherwise on the beach.
Neither do the Sea Lions or Penguins.