Listen: Post-election sit-down with Mayor Hawkins

How will Dunedin Mayor Aaron Hawkins lead the new council in tackling the big issues facing our city? In this podcast from OAR FM Dunedin, freelance journalist Ian Telfer spends an hour Rattling the Chains of office.

Ian Telfer returned for a 'Rattling the Chains' postscript, spending an hour with the new Mayor for Otago Access Radio.



Local Govt New Zealand, the local govt union to get all mayors and employees on same message, why be a member as it is only a voluntary decision for council to join, Cannot we have individual thinkers...

Waste of time building a bridge if it doesn't go anywhere and you can't get any backing from any business to build there. What happens if you build the bridge and then can't get any further with the buildings or have a 1/2 completed building? Rate payers pockets! Kind of like me wanting a real flash house and I can only build the street facing walls to look good to all the Jones. Look at the house in Lookout point that took over 20 years to build in the 70's and 80's Loved how the Mayors chain was divided in two and the other 1/2 is kept some where? Wonder when it was last sighted and weighted and accounted for.

Oh Whats happening to Sammies building?

