Landfill extension application yet to be completed

The consent at Green Island runs out next year and construction of Smooth Hill, if granted...
Photo: ODT files
Two months on from the expiry of the consent to operate the Green Island landfill, the Dunedin City Council has yet to complete its application to extend its life.

The city council had until June, then September and now the end of the year to supply additional information as a part of its application to operate, expand and close Dunedin’s landfill.

The Green Island landfill is expected to be used until the city’s next landfill at Smooth Hill, in Brighton, becomes operational in 2028 or 2029.

The consent to operate Green Island expired in October this year, but the Resource Management Act (RMA) allows for consent holders to continue to exercise existing consents while applying for replacement ones.

A letter sent by the regional council to the city council in May said the city council had until June 14 to provide additional information on over 100 follow-up questions.

"The [RMA] requires council to publicly notify your application if you do not provide the requested information before the due date (or an agreed alternative date), or if you refuse to provide the information," it said.

As that date passed, acting consents manager Alexandra King said the city council met its June deadline by agreeing to provide the outstanding information, which would be provided to the regional council in stages.

All the information would be supplied by the end of September, Ms King said at the time.

This week, she confirmed the city council had yet to supply all the requested information but said a decision on notification had yet to be made.

"We are still waiting on some outstanding information.

"We expect this to come in by the end of the year.

"Once all further information is provided and effects have been determined a notification decision will be made."

She said it was common for consent applicants to get multiple extensions if they could not supply requested information within initial timeframes, and that the city council was not getting special treatment.

This week a city council spokesman said the council still needed "to finalise some information, including environmental monitoring results".

"But we’re aiming to get the outstanding information to the Otago Regional Council by early 2024."

