Mayor-elect Aaron Hawkins announced the appointment, and committee chair positions for the Dunedin City Council this afternoon.
Runner-up in the mayoral elections Lee Vandervis will not be heading up any committees on the new council.
The finance and council-controlled organisations committee will be led by Mike Lord with deputy Doug Hall; community and culture will be led by Marie Laufiso with deputies Ms Garey and Carmen Houlahan; infrastructure services Jim O'Malley with deputy Jules Radich; planning and environment David Benson-Pope with deputies Sophie Barker and Steve Walker; economic development Chris Staynes with deputies Andrew Whiley and Rachel Elder.
Mr Whiley has been made head of the bylaws subcommittee and Ms Garey will lead the grants subcommittee.
Mr Hawkins said he was excited about the diversity of skills and talent the election delivered, and all councillors would have important roles to play under his leadership.
He said all councillors were offered positions, whether as committee chairs or deputy chairs.
“I’ve met individually with the councillors this week to discuss their hopes and aspirations for this term. Wherever possible, my appointments reflect those discussions and recognise councillors’ areas of interest.
“The election has delivered a diverse range of talent and skills around the Council table and my expectation is that all councillors, regardless of their appointments, will have much to contribute over the next three years,” he said.

WOW Hawkins is showing his true ability to leader which imo appears to be nothing - jack. Putting all things aside what a true leader would / should do. like it or hate it Cr Lee Vandervis has talents and experience across the board, Good start Hawkins playing childish games with rate payers money, grow the heck up, be a leader and use, develop and mould the team in to a highly motivated working team you have to benefit Dunedin.
Wow, you sound like a bully... now who does that remind me of? oh yea, Vandervis.
Good selections made here.
Wonder what position Cr Vandervis turned down because he didn't get what he wanted.
LOL Vandervis has the skills to what?
Work with people? Fail!
Mould a team? Fail.
Motivated? Fail.
It does state all councillors were offered positions...I take it he declined the offer
He was offered but he decided that it was below him. True story.
The obvious omission is Vandervis. Less obvious is that Whiley has not been given much responsibility. In fact, passed over in favour of Councillors far less capable. Very sensible to retain Lord as Chair of Finance and CCOs- gives Council continuity in the most difficult area. Doug Hall is an excellent choice as Deputy for Finance and CCOs (Lord is a 'climate doom skeptic' and I wait to see whether Hawkins will 'de-platform' them as he earlier recommended.) Continuity with Benson-Pope in Planning and Environment and Staynes (ex Chamber of Commerce) in Economic Development but surprising that Barker is out of the latter. No surprise with Garey as Deputy-Mayor. Not really anyone left to do Infrastructure but O'Malley. Plus Radich as Deputy. Hawkins has been very well advised IMO both functionally and politically . Any Councillor likely to support Vandervis has been given a sweetener. This Council will work. But how much will they spend and what on? And will they borrow? And ODT virtually ignores Vandervis. This Council will try too. IMO Vandervis is being deliberately ISOLATED. But will Standing Orders be upheld regarding his speaking rights? He certainly has a mandate to speak.
FYI Vandervis has continually shown he can not work with anybody....
Now please tell me why anybody with any management skills what so ever would apoint him to manage something?
So basically in your book people that jump up and down, shouting and haveing issurmes with anyone and everyone is management material.