This year, anyone who takes part in the survey can go into a draw to win a $150 prize.
The council has sent letters to 4500 randomly selected Dunedin residents, asking them to rate the council's performance. The responses will be used to provide a statistically representative snapshot of public views across the city.
Council strategy and development general manager Dr Sue Bidrose said the survey would also be posted on the council's website, open to anyone to respond, and sent to the members of the council's people's panel.
However, only the results from the selected people will count in the official analysis.
Responses from residents who independently chose to complete the survey online would be analysed separately, but still provided the council with valuable feedback about how it could improve its services, she said.
In 2012, the survey cost about $38,500 to deliver.
The cost included the fee of the research company undertaking the survey but the exact cost varied every year depending on the level, timing and method of response, as that determined printing, postage and data transcription costs.
This year, the survey is being conducted by Key Research.
Costs were lower if the randomly selected residents completed the survey earlier and online.
''So, the DCC expects the cost to be lower this year.''
The survey, launched in 1994, was in its 19th year and had become a valuable tool for guiding council staff's decision-making process and prioritising expenditure, Dr Bidrose said.
''It focuses on service delivery and effectiveness and asks questions about people's perceptions of our performance, and we use some of the results as official measures of the performance of the council and its departments.''
Three $150 prizes are on offer for respondents. They can choose a book voucher, a donation to a charity, a petrol voucher, or a voucher for use at Dunedin Public Art Gallery or Toitu Otago Settlers Museum.
The surveys were due by July 17. Results were expected to be made public late next month.