Dalai Lama to talk in town hall, not stadium

The Dalai Lama's public talk in Dunedin in June has been moved from Forsyth Barr Stadium to the Dunedin Town Hall.

Representatives from the Dalai Lama Visit Trust New Zealand and Dhargyey Buddhist Centre will review the refurbished facility next week.

The public talk was originally planned to be held in the south stand at the stadium.

''We weren't sure if the town hall was going to be ready in time,'' Dalai Lama Visit Trust New Zealand trustee Neil Cameron, of Auckland, said yesterday.

''We also realised the university exams might impact on numbers. It makes sense to do it in the middle of the city.''

Tickets for the talk, in the Dunedin Town Hall at 12.30pm on June 11, are available for $25 from TicketDirect and Dunedin Venues Ltd.

''We've already sold 500 tickets and there is a maximum of 2000,'' Mr Cameron said.

The Dalai Lama will talk about the global challenge of technological progress, environmental destruction and educating future generations in his speech, ''Beyond Religion: Ethics for a Whole World''. The 1989 Nobel Peace Prize-winner previously visited Dunedin in 1992 and 1996, when he also held public talks in the town hall.

He last visited Dunedin in 1996, after the death of his friend and Dunedin Buddhist Centre founding lama Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey.


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