An enraged cyclist threatened to bash a stop/go operator with their sign, Dunedin police say.
Senior Sergeant Anthony Bond, of Dunedin, said officers were called to a work site on State Highway 88 where a roadworker operating a stop/go sign was threatened by a cyclist about 5pm yesterday.
The cyclist threatened to "bash her" with the sign, Snr Sgt Bond said.
Police are unsure what triggered the cyclist's behaviour.
Police obtained a statement from the roadworker but are seeking more information about the cyclist, and want them to come forward.
Waka Kotahi/NZ Transport Agency senior project manager Jason Forbes said generally, the public and road users were really supportive and understanding of the project and the traffic management it required.
"Our contractor and the traffic management company which works for our contractor will be reiterating safety messages to their teams today," Mr Forbes said.
The traffic controller was being supported by her employer following the incident, he said.