Cycleway group presents choices

A group formed following strong opposition to plans to close access to a street in Dunedin's industrial wharf area to accommodate a cycleway has come up with some other options.

A preferred option involving taking the cycleway along Wharf St and making some layout changes at the Wharf St/Roberts St intersection rather than closing it off, as initially proposed, is one of four alternative routes the group is seeking feedback on.

The proposal to close the intersection completely drew strong opposition from businesses and other users of the industrial wharf area when it was first suggested by the council last year as part of the first stage of the South Dunedin cycle network.

The group that identified alternatives included representatives from harbourside businesses, the Automobile Association (AA), cycling advocacy group Spokes, KiwiRail, police, the NZ Fire Service and council staff.

It has identified four options, but expressed a preference for a shared cycle/pedestrian path connecting the Harbour Molars path to Wharf St via part of Kitchener St, to continue along the east side of Wharf St to the point, under the overbridge, where the cycle lane crosses to the west side.

That was the most direct commuter cycling route and followed the path most cyclists now took, representatives of the group said.

That option also included improvements at the intersection of Roberts and Wharf Sts, which would mean a left-turn exit and right-turn entry only to Roberts St.

AA Otago district councillor Hudson Biggs said the AA supported the preferred option because it preserved road access, while Spokes Dunedin chairman Dr Robert Thompson said the preferred option presented a ''real safety solution'' that should work for everyone.

Consultation on the options is through the Dunedin City Council and closes on July 4.

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