After being on the run for five weeks, a wanted criminal paid for a helicopter to fly him out of the bush to hand himself in.
The bizarre scene unfolded late this afternoon when a masked James Matthew Bryant (32) appeared at the Dunedin Central Police station in the company of high-profile former jailhouse lawyer Arthur Taylor.
He was wanted on charges of wounding with reckless disregard, possession of a knife, three counts of harmful digital communications, and failing to appear in court.
Speaking on his way into the station, Bryant said he had been holed up "in the middle of nowhere'' near Waianakarua.
He decided to hand himself in.

He paid for a helicopter to fly in and retrieve him this afternoon.
"I didn't go put in taxpayer money into the business.''
Mr Taylor said he knew Bryant prior to him going on the run, as he had helped Mr Taylor build his website.
He later contacted him and said he wanted to hand himself in because he was worried that police had labelled him as dangerous.
"I guess he's seen a few movies where they jump out with guns and that sort of stuff.''