Violent offender to serve full sentence

An "untreated violent offender" who committed a street robbery and several prison assaults will serve his entire jail sentence before being released.

Wheke Kawana's final parole hearing was held in November in his absence, at his request.

Any chance of early release for the maximum-security prisoner, at present held in Auckland Prison, was roundly rejected.

"Mr Kawana does not have a release plan. He is an untreated violent offender," panel convener Shannon Pakura said.

"He has limited contact with his family. There is no approved accommodation. The key planks of a successful release back to the community are missing. For these reasons we are satisfied that the risk Mr Kawana poses to the safety of the community is undue."

The 24-year-old's sentence, on charges of aggravated robbery, injuring with intent to injure and assault, will end in April 2019.

But it looks likely his stay behind bars will be extended.

The board noted another violence charge was now progressing through the court system.

The Ministry of Justice confirmed Kawana would be sentenced on March 7 in the Auckland District Court.

He initially ended up in prison after he and two others robbed a stranger in Dunedin's Albany St on December 5, 2015.

The trio threatened the victim before stealing his bank card, driver's licence, two T-shirts, a tin of hair gum, an empty cigarette pack and a backpack.

While on remand for that offending, Kawana attacked two prisoners in two separate incidents just a couple of months apart.

Ms Pakura underscored the man's "concerning conviction history", which began in 2009.

There were multiple violent offences, a breach of home detention and he committed the most recent aggravated robbery within a month of his release from an earlier period of incarceration.

Kawana was an associate of the Crips gang and at a previous hearing, he spoke of viewing fellow members as family.

"It is reported that he is keen to continue the gang lifestyle on release. It is his intention to get his colours as soon as he can," the parole decision said.

His time in prison had been peppered with outbursts and Ms Pakura said there had been three incidents of misconduct since his last hearing.

While Kawana had chosen to engage with a psychologist on only three occasions, the one bright spot had been his completion of level 1 and 2 engineering courses while inside.

If released in April, conditions imposed to last six months are:

- Not to contact any Crips gang members.

- To attend an alcohol and drug assessment and any programmes stemming from it.

- To attend a psychological assessment and any programmes stemming from it.

- To attend any treatment directed by probation officer.

- To live at an address approved by probation officer.

- Not to contact any victims of offending.

- Not to contact co-offenders.

- Not to possess alcohol or non-prescription drugs.



